2018年英语四级翻译考试模拟题及答案:职场木乃伊 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 职场木乃伊 “职场木乃伊”是指一种缺乏激情和创造力的平庸工作状态或这类员工。原本木乃伊是指没有任何灵魂和思想的肉体躯壳,而这个概念被引申到职场中,形容某类人原本热火朝天的奋斗激情,到头来只剩下对工资奖金的较真抱怨;原本创意十足的工作灵感,现如今已转变成到点下班的机械模式;原本真诚执蓍的处世心态,也不知不觉被驯化得卑微而麻木。 参考译文 Zombie Workers Zombie workers is a term for the group of workers who lack passion and creativity when working. The reason we call them zombies, is because the lack spirit and mind, and they are dull in their attitude toward work. Their spirit, creativity, and sincerity toward work has disappeared, and they instead rush to leave work as soon as possible each day. 小编推荐:2018大学英语四级翻译试题库(747篇) 相关资料 |