2018年大学英语四级翻译试题库及答案:手机幻听症 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 手机幻听症 手机幻听症,实际是强迫症的一种表现而不是疾病。症状是耳朵里经常听见自己手机响或音乐,这种“幻听”往往是由于工作压力造成的。“手机幻听”的心理问题大部分源于压力或焦虑,适当改变工作或生活环境,转移对造成焦虑的关注,缓解心里的紧张,一般都能缓解症状。 参考译文 Phantom Vibration Syndrome Phantom vibration syndrome is an obsessive behavior rather than a disease. When afflicted with phantom vibration syndrome, you will imagine the ring or notifications of your phone when they did not occur at all. This psychological problem is caused by pressure or anxiety. By properly adjusting work or life style, the patient can transfer their focus. This change will reduce anxiety and relieve nervousness, alleviating the syndrome. 小编推荐:2018大学英语四级翻译试题库(747篇) 相关资料 |