2018年12月英语六级翻译练习:分手代理 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 分手代理 分手代理是指付费代为向恋人提出分手请求,专门负责解决情侣之间的分手难事的委托代理人。总有一些人会对分手难以启齿,又不方便找朋友亲人代替,此时,分手代理以第三方的身份介入,使原本尴尬的分手显得自然和方便。其实质是代替分手一方传达心意。分手代理公开在网络、街头等做宣传,要收取服务费用。 参考译文 Breakup Agents Breakup agents are commissioned by lovers who are afraid of breaking up with their significant other. Instead, they hire a third party agent, and defer the conversation and resulting problems to that third party. As a result, a breakup that would have been awkward, is now the problem of another. Now, breakup agents promote their services online or street side, but payment is required upfront. 热点关注:2018年大学英语六级考试翻译题库(748篇) 相关资料 |