一、考试概述 本场考试填空类题目为26个,选择类14个,并且罕见的在两个section部分都考察到了流程图,总体难度较高。本场考试情景内容相对较难,考察考生理解能力。 Section 1:咨询——游泳馆,填空10 Section 2:介绍——咖啡豆的加工流程,流程图6+配对4 Section 3:学生讨论——音乐对于人们进食影响的研究,选择6+配对4 Section 4:社科——澳大利亚轮胎回收的流程,填空4+流程图6 二、具体题目分析: Section 1 新旧情况:14185 场景:咨询——游泳馆 题型:填空10 参考答案:
8. 3 times a week 9. class start from ** to 5.30 pm 10. need extra transport cost membership of 65 and price of 30 (答案仅供参考) 解析:考察的题型相对简单,考生需要注意同义替换以及对于干扰信息的排除。 参考练习:C7T1S1;C8T2S1 Section 2 新旧情况:14206 场景:介绍——咖啡豆的加工流程 题型:流程图6+配对4 参考答案: 11. 首先咖啡豆采摘下来harvested装袋子and packaged 运输transported 12. 第二步会有机器open那些袋子and weighted 13. 第三步will clean 那些咖啡豆in a hopper 14. 第四步放在机器里coast boiled 的咖啡豆will be expanded 15. 第五步咖啡豆要冷却need to cool 16. 第六步炒好的咖啡豆需要封装到小袋子sealed in pocket 17. 第一种咖啡first roast ------ mild light 18. 第二种咖啡green beans ------ smokey 19. 第三种咖啡French coffee------ chocolaty 20. 第四种咖啡Espresso smoky------ intense the final product dark (答案仅供参考) 解析:话题内容比较陌生,考生不易预测,并且部分单词如harvested和chocolaty的拼写也会给考生带来一定难度 参考练习:C8T4S3 Section 3 新旧情况:08307 场景:学生讨论——音乐对于人们进食的影响的研究 题型:选择6+配对4 参考答案: 21. 研究的主题research subject: A. music’s effect on guests/consumers B. music’s effect on food 22. In *** cafe(某餐厅), music is played”: A. in different areas B. uniform level volume C. certain time 23. what it the propose of first several questions in the questionnaire: C. disguise the purpose of the survey 24. questionnaire are collected from: A. a previous study B. self made C. the dictionary 25-26. 选择该餐厅考虑的标准criteria: A. competitor nearby & E. seat capacity 27. jazz music: people spent more money 28. no music------ A people think the restaurant is overpriced 29. classical music: people left right after eating 30. pop music------ people will come back again (答案仅供参考) 解析:考察场景相对简单,但是涉及的同义替换较多,因此对于考生的理解和辨析能力要求较强 参考练习:C10T3S3, C11T4T3 Section 4 新旧情况:09401 场景:社科——澳大利亚轮胎回收的流程 题型:填空4+流程图6 参考答案: 31. The typical tire dealer may generate 600 to 800 waste tires per month 32. There are companies recycle rubber for profit but this one does not make money 33. this recycle company’s advantage: recycled no limit on size of tire 34. 5% of the cash revenue has been invested into research 35. wheel hub production of steel: remove wires 36. get rid of dirt segments and 37. The rubber can be molded(mixed) with plastic for products 38. rubber-molded products are carpet padding or floor materials 39. XX is treatment of water and therefore environmentally friendly 40. MSDS: is an ink applied to the tread of a tire as a visible color. (答案仅供参考) 解析:话题内容比较陌生,比较难进行预测,部分单词的拼写如wires 和plastic也会对考生造成一定难度. 参考练习:C10T4S4, C11T4S4 相关资料 |