发展中国(上海)自由贸易实验区是国家战略,是深化改革、扩大开放的重大措施,意义深远。这项重大改革是以制度创新为着力点,重在提升软实力,各项工作影响大、难度高。建设中国(上海)自由贸易实验区是顺应全球经贸发展新趋势、实行更加积极主动(proactive)的开放战略的一项重大举措。其主要任务是探索中国对外开放的新路径和新模式,推动加快转变政府职能和行政体制改革,不仅转变经济增长方式和优化(optimize)经济结构。 【参考译文】 To develop the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone is a national strategy, and a major initiative for deepening the reform and expanding opening-up, which has profound and important influence. This major initiative focuses on institutional innovation and emphasizes promoting soft power. All the work is significant but in great difficulty. Building the China (Shanghai ) Pilot Free Trade Zone is a major move to keep up with the new trend of global economic and trade development and implement a more proactive opening-up strategy. The main task of this action is to explore the new path and pattern of China’s opening-up, speed up the transformation of government function and the reform of administrative system, foster the transformation of the economic growth pattern and optimize the economic structure. 热点阅读: 2019-2008年大学英语四级真题试卷汇总 大学英语四级写作范文(351篇) 相关资料