申请信写法: 开头:说明写信目的(申请原因),信息来源,对所申请工作或学校的认识,自己的打算。 主体:着重介绍自己的背景(教育情况,工作经历,兴趣爱好,特长等)。求职信先介绍工作经验,要突出个人能力及工作业绩;求学信要重点介绍自己受教育程度。总之,要努力使自己的介绍引起对方的兴趣。 结尾:表达自己的愿望,如希望得到面试机会等。要自信而坚定。 June 1. 2010 Dear Sir or madam, I write this letter to apply for the position that you have advertised in___(信息来源) of ___(信息发布日期). Not only do I have the qualifications for this job, but I also have the right personality for a ___(职位名称).___(原因之一). On the other hand, ___(原因之二). I would be very grateful if you grant me a personal interview. If you need to know more about me, please feel free to contact me at any time at___(电话号码). Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to meeting you. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 常用语: I have learned that you are hiring--- I would like to apply for--- I am interested in a ---position in your firm. I would appreciate an interview at your convenience. I am well qualified to--- for the following reasons. My interest and skill in ---contribute to my qualification for this job 热点推荐: 公共英语等级考试PETS1-PETS5模拟试题汇总(680套) 2019年公共英语不用盲目备考,网校教研团队精心打造高通关套餐班,密训锁分,保障快捷通关!2019年公共英语锁分套餐班强势推出,精锐老师分题型专项辅导,听说读写稳步质变>>课程试听! 加入公共英语交流群424641146 有专业的老师为您解答问题,还可以和考友一起交流! 赶紧扫描下面二维码!!! 相关资料 |