
全国等级考试资料网 2023-03-26 23:55:38 81


21. How did you become interested in your hobby?

When I was young, my father has always involved me in different activities. My father is a ping-pong coach in a high school. So I always have a chance to follow him when he coached. When I was in the school, I got a chance to play with other students in other sports. So that’s how I developed my skills in different sports.

22. How do you spend your weekends?

I usually sleep on Saturday morning if I can, study in the afternoon in the library, and go out with friends in the evening. On Sundays, I like to go shopping and just spend time walking around outside, if the weather is nice. If I don‘t have much money, I still like to go window shopping and I almost get as much pleasure out of that!

23. Why do you go to the Internet for your news stories?

Well, to get the latest updates. Also, in the Internet there is a variety of news so perhaps I may come across something I can never encounter in the newspaper.

24. Why do you think that newspapers are more reliable than, say, TV news?

Because before a newspaper is printed, the editor will check through the articles and the sources often more reliable. In TV news, the news broadcaster may say something he or she thinks is right. So I feel newspaper are more reliable.

25. Why do you think advertising influences what people buy very strongly?

Advertising is a very powerful tool in the media. Because many people do not have the real knowledge of the product, most of the time they rely on media for information, which they think is trustworthy.

26. Who‘s your favourite film star? Can you describe him/her to me?

I like Leonardo di Caprio. I first saw him when he starred in Titanic, and after that I was head over heels in love with him. He’s very handsome. 。. blonde hair, blue eyes. He has this look about him that makes him seem very sad, but at the same time hopeful. I have his posters all over my room at home.

27. What do you think of the unemployment problem in China?

I think the unemployment problem is getting more and more serious now. China is a country with a large population and there has always been more labour than required. It was not a big problem in the past under the planned economy system, but now enterprises could not afford the burden of a surplus labour force and many workers in state owned enterprises are being laid off. Something must be done about it before more serious problems arise.

28. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so,why?

Yes. People in China aren’t aware of the terrible health consequences of smoking. They just smoke because it‘s socially acceptable to do so. If more people knew they might get cancer from smoking, they would probably stop smoking, or at least smoke less. I do think that the tobacco industry is a big business, and if we tried to eliminate smoking, we’d also be eliminating jobs. It‘s a tough situation, but at the very least, people should be told that smoking causes lung cancer. That way they can make an informed choice about whether to smoke or not.

