
全国等级考试资料网 2022-10-26 19:59:23 69

Part A

Henrv Alfred Kissinger was born in Germany of Jewish nationality on May 27,1 923.He came to the United States in l938 and became a US citizen in l943.He served in the US Army in World War II from1943 to 1946.He studied political science at Harvard University and got his doctoral degree there.He also taught there from l954 until l969.He was a unique teacher and admired by his students.

Dr KissirIger entered government service in l969 and eventually became the most celebrated American Secretarv of State since Thomas Jefferson.He was chief foreign policy advisor and Secretary of State to Presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford.Among Kissinger’s achievements were the restoration of US relations with the People’s Republic of China and the arrangement—by“shuttle diplomacy”一0f a cease- fire between the Israelis and the Arabs in the Arab-Israeli War of 1973.He also negotiated a cease-fire in Vietnam and was awarded Nobel Peace Prize for l 973 for his role in US troops withdrawing from Vietnam.

Part B

Today’s lecture will include the most outstanding achievements in biology as it relates to the medical sciences.

Earlv in Greek history,Hippocrates,who lived from 460 to 370 BC,began to study the human body and to apply scientific methods to the problems of diagnosis and the treatment of diseases.He kept careful records of symptoms and treatments,indicating the success or failure of the patient’s cure.He has been recognized as the father of modern medicine.

About a century later,Aristotle began fl scientific study of plants and animals,classifying more than five hundred types on the basis of body structure.Because of his great contribution to the field,Aristotle has been called the father of biology.

During the Middle Ages,scientific method was Scorned in favor of alchemy.Some scientists were even

imprisoned for carrying OUt their investigations.

ThUS,medicine and biology had advanced very little from the time of the ancients until the seventeenth century when the English physician and anatomist Wmiam Harvery discovered a mechanism for the circulation of the blood in the body.

By the end of the eighteenth century,Edward Jenner had discovered a vaccine against smallpox.His

contribution not only controlled the disease itself,but also established the science of immunization.

Louis Pasteur’s theories about germs and bacteria advanced in the nineteenth century are considered by many to be the greatest single contribution of biology to medicine.Within a few decades,the causes were isolated for such ancient diseases as leprosy,plague,diphtheria,and tuberculosis.

But the advances of the twentieth century in curative and preventive medicine and biology are far more n啪erous than all other periods combined.Consider that the sterilization of surgical instruments,largelyi the idea of Sir Joseph Lister,is fl process only 75 years old.Sulfur drugs,antibiotics,and X-rays are discoveries of the past 50 years.

Part C

Question ll~13 are based on a special TV news report about the three astronauts returning from a space flight.You now have l5 seconds to read Questions 11~13.

We interrupt this program to bring you a special news bulletin-The three astronauts have splashed down safely in the Pacific Ocean,145 miles southwest of Hawaii,only six miles from the aircraft carrier that was dispatched for the recovery mission.The space capsule floated down on three parachutes and landed right-side-up in the water.Mission Contr01in Houston,which is in constant communication with the astronauts,confirmed that the parachutes and landing systems had functioned properly.Mission Control has advised the astronauts to remain inside the capsule until they are lifted aboard the aircraft carrier.An Air Force helicopter is already hovering above the capsule and seven divers are in the process of attaching lines to the spacecraft.The astronauts have returned after fifteen days in space.Possibly one of the most important accomplishments of this mission was the extensive photographing of the sun’s surface.After two days of physical examinations and observation,the astronauts will fly to Houston where they will be reunited with their families.They plan to return to Mission Control on Thursday to hold a news eonference.

Ladies and gentlemen,we have confirmation that the astronauts are now aboard the aircraft carrier. They seem to be in very good condition as they prepare for the welcoming ceremonies.For more about the splash-down.watch the seven 0’clock news report on Channel l2,NBC.

Questions l4~16 are based on a talk about graffiti,an art form for some people or violence for others.

‰now have l5 seconds to read Questions 14~16.

Graffiti is drawing or writing often found in a wall in public places.These drawings and writings are usually rude,humorous,or political.The words“graffiti”comes from an Italian word meaning address. Graffiti provides a record of the past because people have written on walls for centuries.Cave drawings are the earliest examples we have of the art of graffiti.

Writing on walls is a way to comment on the world we live in.Women’s liberation groups in Britain, for example,have used graffiti to show their anger at the sex discrimination of many advertisements where women’s bodies are used to sell goods.

Yesterday’s graffiti can be today’s foreign attraction.When the Berlin wall came down in l989,people found that it was covered with graffiti from all over the world.Graves of famous people,like rock-star Jim Morrison,are covered with written messages from fans.

Graffiti is also a popular art form.Graffiti pictures have gained respect in artistic circles.Today, graffiti is likely to be found hanging inside modern New York apartments as well as in downtown streets. In New York.graffiti pictures have been sold for hundreds or thousands of doliars.Graffiti artists have been paid to use their art to brighten up dull environments.

But graffiti can bring us trouble.Scenes of natural beauty and important landmarks have been spoiled by mindless graffiti.The London underground authority has spent about 2 million pounds a year on removing graffiti from trains and stations.If you are caught doing it,you can be sent to prison.In Britain, the maximum sentence for this type of crime is ten years.

Whether you think graffiti is mindless violence against property,or a living art form,its popularity suggests that it is here to stay.

Questions l 7~20 are based On a radio infervieW about diVarce.you now have 20 seconds to read Questions17~20.

M:Dear audiences,today we’11 talk about divorce and its effect on children.Our guest is Jennifer Benzes. Thank you for comin9,Jennifer.Do you mind saying something about your divorce?

W:N0.I got divorced years ago.Even worse,I got divorced when I had small children.

M:Have you thought of the effect divorce may have on your children?Their needs can be forgotten as

parents are struggling to reestablish their lives.

W:Of course,we hve.We are definitely more aware of the impact on children.After all we are not faInous people who trade spouses like shoes.For most of US divorce is not entered into lightly.We all suffer.Anyway,we try to comfort our children.


W:We tell them we love them and will always do. M:You haven’t thought of saving the marriage?

W:Yes,we have.We would do anything to spare our children pain.But you know,fixing a marriage ls

not like changing a tire.Family conflicts may take hold like a cancer.

M:Then divorce is the only way to get rid of it.

W:It’s true with me.Others may succeed in fixin9.

M:Yet m0st peOple belleve a bad marriage is better for children than a divorce.According to a recent pool,nlore people today think parents should stay together for the sake of the children.What do you think?

W:I think the cOst of staying together is worse than the benefits.Parents quarrelling and fighting all day may do more harm to their children.

M:What do you want society to do for you?

W:Understand us,not curse us.More importantly,they should help US share the loss and build a better


Section I Listening Comprehension

Part A

1.Jewish。独自第一句话即用of Jewish mtionality(犹太民族)说明了基辛格的民族。注意nationality在此不是“国籍”,因为Germany在下面的Birthplace(出生地)一栏中出现了。另外,考生应注意表格中的信,gjl颐序并不是材料中信息交代的顺序。

2.P0litical。答案在独白第四句:He studied political science…(他在哈佛大学学习政治学)。

3.Harvard。答案对应于独白第五句:He also taught there from l954 until l969,其中there就是指上一句中的Harvard Unive。sity。独自中只出现了这一个大学名,考生要注意的还是信息出现的顺序问题。

4.Government。答案信息位于第七句:Dr Kissinger entered government service in l969。



Part B

6.modern medicine。答案信息对应于独白第四句:He has been…the father of modern medicine。因为


7.Plants and animals。独白第五句中指出:Aristotle began a scientific study of plants and animals,题目只是变成特殊疑问句,针对此句中的介词宾语提问。

8.The seventeenth/17th(century)。独白首先谈到了Hippocrates,然后是Aristotle,接着在独白中部谈到了William Harvery。本题对应于独自中一句....until the seventeenth century when…William Harvery discovered…,考生可以用阿拉伯数字以提高答题速度和准确性。

9.gern幡and bacteria。独自倒数第二段谈及的是Louis Pasteur,其中第一句话即指出:Louis Pasteur’S theories about germs and bacteria advanced…,题目只是表达稍有不同。

10.far more nnnlernllks。独自最后一段将20世纪医学和生物的进步与前面谈及的各个阶段的发展进行了对比,其中第一句说:But the advances of the twentieth century…are far more numerous than…,即20世纪的进步要比以前各个阶段加起来还多得多。

Part C

11.[C]。这是一则新闻报道。在报道的第二句中,说话者明确指出:The three astronauts have splashed down safely in the Pacific Ocean,145 miles southwest of Hawaii…(三名宇航员安全降落在离夏威夷西南145英里的太平洋上……)。对照选项,不难发现只有[C]符合原文。

12.[C]。独白在整体说明了宇航员降落情况之后,独白又介绍了任务控制中心的说法,以及对于空间舱的打捞和接回宇航员们的情况,然后介绍了一些必要的背景知识,最后才回到宇航员们身上来,其中有一句指出:…the astronauts will fly to Houston where they will be reunited with their families,说明他们是到Huston后才和家人汇合。听清了这一句就不难选出正确答案。

13.[D]。本题虽然也是细节题,但由于其对应的信息出现并没有按照题目顺序来,所以不少考生出现了误选。其实,在介绍背景知识时,独自中有一句:The astronauts have returned after fifteen days in space,因此本题答案就是[D]。

14.[D]。独自谈论的是涂鸦艺术的起源、作用及给社会带来的利弊。在第二段第二句中指出:Women’S llberation groups…have used graffiti to show their anger at the sex discrimination…,即妇女解放团体用涂鸦来表达她们对性别歧视的愤慨,[D]只是将show改成了express。



17.[C]。由第一个话轮中男士的最后一句话中的about your divorce可知女士已经离婚,而由女士回答韵后一句:I got divorced when I had small children可知她离婚时有不止一个小孩,因此[C]是正确答案。

18.[A]。本题实际上考查的是对第二个话轮中女士回答的理解。她在第四句话中指出:For most of US divorce is not entered into lightly,即大多数人并非随意离婚的,反过来就是说她认为应当严肃对待离婚,故[A]对。注意[B]是男士的观点,由女士在这一话轮的最后一句也可知女士并不这么认为。


20.[C]。答案信息对应于女士的最后一句话:they should help US…a better future,其中的US指的就是以女士为代表的离婚者,选项中只有Ec]与这一句的意思最接近。

