坦率的表达: 3. Unhappiness (2) 7) When I saw they had left, I was shocked to tears. 当我目睹他们离去时,我悲伤得落下了眼泪。 *shock,心灵的震撼。 8) He didn’t weep as he walked from the grave. 他从墓地走回来,并没有伤心流泪。 *weep有哀悼的含义。 9) Mary cried all night for her great loss. 玛丽因为失去了她最重要的东西,而整晚哭泣。 10) Michael immediately burst into tears. 麦克尔“哇”的一下子哭了出来。 *burst into强调突然迸发。 11) I had never seen a grown man break down and cry. 我从未曾看到过一个这么强壮的汉子痛哭失声。 *break down,这里用来形容一下子垮掉。 12) She was disappointed by what Lawrence said. 她对劳伦斯说的话感到失望。 13) They cannot help but be grieved by the death of a friend. 眼见朋友死亡,自己却无能为力,他们感到深深的悲哀。 14) Pat began to feel unhappy about what he had done. 帕特开始对自己所做的事感到悲伤。 15) Alone, he brooded over his mistake. 她常常独自沉思自己的过失。 *brood意思是沉思,有闷闷不乐的色彩。 16) Often, when it rains, Marty feels blue. 一下雨,玛琪就会变得忧郁。 *blue,忧郁沮丧,我们可以说,This song is so blue! 17) He won’t be distressed by my absence. 即使我不在,他也不会悲伤痛苦的。 18) The coach is always gloomy when the team loses a game. 球队一输球,教练总要绷起脸来。 #g_kclist{font-size:12px;width:100%;float:left; margin-top:5px;} #g_kclist a{color:#000; text-decoration:none} #g_kclist h2{margin:0px;padding:0px;font-size:14px; text-align:center;background:url(http://thea.cn/cs/UpLoadFile/20096559147189.jpg ) no-repeat;line-height:31px;color:#fff} #g_kclist table{line-height:25px;background:#0056A3;margin-top:8px} #g_kclist table td{ text-align:center;background:#fff} #g_kclist table td.td1 a{color:#f00} #g_kclist table th{background:#F2F7ED;color:#525F46} .STYLE2 {font-size: 12px}