School & College 1) Their son will start college in September. 他们的儿子将于九月份开始上大学。 2) What courses will you be taking this semester? 你本学期打算修什么科目? * semester 是指一年二学期制下的“学期”。 3) There are three terms in a school year. 一学年有三个学期。 * 西方的教育体系和我们的有所不同。term 是指一年三学期制下的“学期”。 4) I still have to fill 16 hours in my major. 我必须重修主修科目16小时。 5) Besides the required courses, I’m taking an elective in the Lab Science. 除必修科目外,选修科目我选了实验科学。 * required courses 是“必修科目”,elective 是“选修科目”。 Lab 是 laboratory(实验室)的缩写。 6) For my math requirements, I’ll be taking algebra, calculus, and trig. 数学的必修学分预定选代数、微积分、三角法。 * trig = trigonometry 三角法,trig 是学生用语。 7) The prerequisite for Chinese Lit is Freshman Lit and Comp. 若要从事中国文学,必须在一年级修文学与作文。 * Lit = literature Comp = composition freshman 是大学一年级的学生。 8) Three times a week I have to walk all the way to the gym for my Phys Ed class. 一周有三次,我为了参加体育课而必须走路到体育馆。 * Phys Ed = physical education all the way 有“远途”的意思,有相当遥远的感觉。 9) I still need three more credits in Psych; maybe I’ll take Ed Psych this term. 心理学我还需要三个学分。或许我在本学期修教育心理学。 * Psych = psychology Ed Psych = educational psychology 10) He received full credit for his studies at a previous school. 他在一所先前的学校取得了所有课程的学分。 11) I’m being kept very busy with my required reading for Sosh this quarter. 本学期有许多必须为上社会学而读的东西,我太忙了。 * Sosh = Sociology quarter 是指一年四学期制的“学期”,大约持续三个月,即 trimester。 12) Next week I must start my term paper for Poli Sci. 到下周,我必须着手写政治学的期末论文了。 * Poli Sci = political science 13) I’ve arranged my class schedule so I’ll have my afternoons free. 我调整了我的课程表,以便下午腾出空来。 相关资料 |