2018年6月英语六级翻译练习:布达拉宫 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 布达拉宫自公元7世纪起就成为达赖喇嘛的冬宫,象征着藏传佛教及其在历代行政统治中的中心作用。布达拉宫,坐落在拉萨河谷中心海拔3700米的红色山峰之上,由白宫和红宫及其附属建筑组成。大昭寺也建造于公元7世纪,是一组极具特色的佛教建筑群。建造于公元18世纪罗布林卡,曾经作为达赖喇嘛的夏宫,也是西藏艺术的杰作。这三处遗址的建筑精美绝伦,设计新颖独特,加上丰富多样的装饰以及与自然美景的和谐统一,更增添了其在历史和宗教上的重要价值。 参考译文 The Potala Palace has been the winter palace of the Dalai Lama since the 7th century, symbolizing Tibetan Buddhism and its central role in the administration of Tibet in previous dynasties. The Potala Palace is located on the Red Mountain in the center of Lhasa Valley, comprising the White Palace and the Red Palace as well as their ancillary buildings with an altitude of 3,700m. Also founded in the 7th century, the Jokhang Temple Monastery is an exceptional Buddhist religious complex. Norbulingka, the Dalai Lama’s former summer palace, was constructed in the 18th century. It is another masterpiece of Tibetan art. The beauty and originality of the architecture of these three sites, their rich ornamentation and harmonious integration into a striking landscape add to their historic and religious interest. 相关推荐:2018年英语六级翻译题库汇总(535篇) 相关资料 |