A卷 Section 1 农场参观如何预定;单选+填空 Section 2 关于work;表格+单选 Section 3 几个学生讨论学习小组presentation 填空 Section 4 旧题v130427 上夜班对工人身体健康产生的影响 填空 二、具体题目分析: Section 1 参考答案: 1-8 Multiple choice 1. 每次团体旅游能容纳几个人C. 38 2. 会议室现在状况 A. meeting room unavailable 3. 什么情况用餐要预定?B. the farmer cooks for them 4. 去农场可以干什么?A. hear information about organic farming 5. 活动中有个survival course 需要做什么 B. Find the food 6. 去最近的地方怎么去? C. cycling route 7. 如果下雨的话,可以去哪里? C. museum 8. 预定付多少钱B. Part of the money 9-10 填空题 9. 一个地址:Cotehele 10. 一个邮编:SH121LQ Section 2 场景:学生找工作 11.-16.表格
17. Where did Peter find the job Internet 18. Why did Peter choose this job C. unsual 19. Which does Peter like of this job B. work with children 20. What will Peter prefer to do during his vacation? A. he wants to find a job/won’t take any job Section 3 旧题 V130427 场景:Geography Study Syndicate 讲几个学生打算组成学习的syndicates 以及打算做这个的原因有什么,中间讲了组内成员的分工,最后讲了资料的来源以及怎么去做展示。 题型:填空10 参考答案: 21. The benefits of going to syndicate: share ideas 22. and much deeper research
26. Presentation lasts for 30-40minutes 27. Time for questions and discussions for last 10-15 minutes 28. Articles from journal 29. Courses from internet 30. Photocopy of notes (OHP/white board) Section 4 场景:讲夜班对身体的影响,介绍背景及原因 参考答案: 31. 夜班工人的数量 huge increase in number 32. 夜班工人的internal clock 33. Light dark 34. Unsocial hours 35. Heart/ stomach 36. Depression 37. mental abilities 影响人的performance 38. 第三个例子social matter 39. family life会受影响 40. Peer group/ friends B卷 Section 1 旧题=V140301/V101030求职 Section 2 河流农场;地图题 Section 3 一男一女两同学跟教授讨论presentation 选择题 Section 4 琥珀 v140111琥珀的形成和应用 填空 二、具体题目分析: Section 1 An American boy wants to find apart-time job in the orchard 参考答案: 1. Visa type: blue card 2. Working Period: July to October 3. The information is from the website 4. Busiest time: September 5. Picking date decided by weather 6. Additional wage over 18: 6.50/hour(Under 18 only 4.50)关键词:since you are above 18 7. Accommodation: There is a campsite 8. Advise to go around by bike 9. Must work with passport 10. Should bring own lunch and supply of water Section 2 Section3 待补充 Section 4 场景:琥珀amber 形成及应用 resin(树脂) 31. Amber produces resin to protect itself against insects and fungl 32. Resin was formed from volcanic dust and mineral in soil 33. The conditions to form amber include pressure heat and 34. Intermediate stage 35. Sea 36. One in every 100 37. Water and air found in the amber trapped sunlight 38. In can be used to make jeweler, necklace, but should be set in silver 39. Honey 40. Building material 相关资料 |