
全国等级考试资料网 2022-07-31 09:16:31 75

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part1Describe the leisure activities you would like to do when you are free? What means of transportation would you take? Would you like to take boat or ferry? Do you like it or not?

part2 Describe the commodity that you have purchased which is not appropriate for you 买过不适合自己的商品

part3What variety of advertisement is effective? And What sort of advertising should be broadcast for all the audience? 什么样的广告有效率广告该不该避免孩子看

Part1 Can you describe your apartment or the room that you live in?

part2 Describe a café in your hometown你家乡的一个咖啡馆

part3The difference between cafe & restaurant. Do Chinese regularly go to café or restaurant? What kinds people would go to café? Café and restaurant的区别中国人一般去cafe还是restaurant什么样的人会去cafe

p1, Can you say something about your hometown? Are you a student or do youwork

p2, Can you describe a circumstance of being late?

p3, who are not punctual more, older citizens or teenagers? Is it good to be so busy? Why people are so busy? Have your friends ever been late? 老人迟到多还是少年,现在这么busy好吗,

为什么人们这么busy, 你的朋友之前迟到过吗

part1How do people concentrate? After class how do you rest?怎么集中注意力课后如何休息

part2 Describe an important plat in your country (such as fruits, flowers or vegetables)植物


part3 is it fascinating to work for farming? Why do people would like to eat what they plant by themselves? farming有趣么?人们为什么自己种吃的植物

P1 Have you ever lived any interesting places? Describe about your future plan.

P2 What do you do in your leisure time

P3 What would you do on the beach? What do you know about the transportation on the sea? 海边做什么海上交通等等

Part1What is your name? Can you describe your house and tell the difference between house and flat?

Part2 Describe a game (not about sport)you like 你喜欢的游戏(非运动类)in different periods of time what sorts of games do people play?

Part3 What benefits can people get from games?

p1Say something about yourself, your hometown.

p2Describe an important plat in your country (such as fruits, flowers or vegetables)植物


p3Why people would like to plant? Do people like planting flowers or vegetables? Why?围绕人们喜欢种花还是蔬菜为什么

P1:Can you describe Healthy&junior high school life.

P2: What television programme do you usually watch?

P3: What changes have televisions brought to people? What can children learn from televisions? television带给China的变化以及Child从中能学到什么

P1 Tell me your name and hometown? Do you go to museums? Which museum have you ever been to? Do you think children should go to museums? What museums do you want to go if you have chances? If you go to museums in other country, do you send postcard? 去过哪个想去哪个 children有必要去吗还有postcard的一堆问题 相关资料
