2017年6-8月雅思口语Part2&3新题:不同意某人的决定 雅思口语话题:Describe a decision made by others that you disagreed with不同意某人的决定 You should say: What the decision was How it was made What you disagreed with And explain why you disagreed with it 参考范文: We all have to make decisions from time to time.Some decisions are agreed upon by all, whereas some decisions are not liked by all. Here, I would like to talk about a decision, which was made by my two friends Raman and Sunder, when we were in 10th class. They decided to bunk school and go to watch a movie in a multiplex.I disagreed strongly. First of all, the idea of bunking school did not seem right to me. Then, going for a movie without parents’ permission was out of question as far as my thinking was concerned.I advised them to go for the movie on a Sunday, in the morning show, after taking permission from our parents. But they were adamant, and were forcing me also to accompany them.I was in a dilemma, as I did not want to disappoint my friends.But, my father is very strict.I knew that if he found out, he would be very upset and may even not talk to me for days.I could not even bear to think of that.So, I said a firm no to my friends and again tried to dissuade them from bunkingschool. They, however, did not agree and went for the movie. I remember, I felt very light at heart for not going with them.I cannot even think of lying to my parents, or hiding anything from them.So, this was the decision made by my friends which I did not like. 相关资料 |