The flu is going around. 每逢季节转变,人们最容易患上流行性感冒(Influenza),简称flu,近年更出现多宗骇人的变种流感病毒,如果流感肆虐的季节,而流感正在传播,英文可以说:The flu is going around.,也可说:It’s flu season now(现在是流感季节),要预防流感,可以接受疫苗注射,英文可以说:Get a flu shot to prevent getting the flu (注射疫苗以防流感) 。 对 话 Katherine: You look ridiculous in that mask and gloves and why are you wearing protective glasses? Marcus: The flu is going around and I’m determined not to get it this year. Katherine: But dressed like that you won’t get anything else either. Marcus: What do you mean? Katherine: You won’t get asked anywhere and you definitely won’t get lucky. 凯思莲:你戴上面罩和手套的样子很滑稽,为什么要戴保护眼罩? 马卡斯:流感正在肆虐,我决定今年不要患上。 凯思莲:你穿成这样子,恐怕什么都得不到。 马卡斯:你是什么意思? 凯思莲:没有人会邀你到任何地方玩,你注定倒霉了。www.ExamW.CoM Influenza本是意大利文,等于英文的influence(影响)。从前,意大利人认为人间受天上星辰影响而爆发流行性感冒,所以流感叫做influenza。英文借用了这个字,但现在除了非常严谨的写作,一般都会用简写flu而不用全写。 Influenza是不可数名词(uncountable noun),不可冠以a,而且和多数疾病名称一样,不可冠以the ,例如:A number of our staff are off with influenza(本公司职员不少患了流行性感冒,不能上班)。不过,简写的flu则用不用the 都可以,例如:I was in bed with (the) flu(我患了流感,卧病在床)。 要告诉人家 ‘目前流行性感冒肆虐’,你可以说:The flu is going around at the moment或There is a lot of flu around at present或There is a lot of flu about等。假如那是一种恶性流感,你可以说:There is a virulent strain of flu going around:virulent是‘恶毒’,strain则是‘品种’或‘类型’。今年肆虐亚洲的禽流感,英文叫bird flu或avian flu,例如:Millions of poultry have been slaughtered in an attempt to contain bird flu(为了防止禽流感蔓延,家禽被杀者数以百万计)。 患上流行性感冒,你可以说:I have caught/contracted/ got the flu(或a dose/bout of the flu)。Dose本来是指‘一剂(药)’,但一次疾病来袭,也可称为dose或bout,例如:I’ve got a mild dose /bout of malaria(我患了轻微的疟疾)。 相关资料 |