2018年商务英语考试经典句子翻译(2) It is said that the price of the summer educational travel conducted by EFL is much higher than the market price . 据称,由英孚教育推出的暑期出国游学的费用比市场价格要高得多。 “educational travel”就是游学的意思,也可以译成“study tour”,或者“study abroad”。 例句: 1.There are hundreds of ways you can enrich your vacation experience with educational travel. 在“游学”中有上百种选择可以丰盛你的旅途。 2.The study results show students participating study tours more likely come from higher income family, are female and extrovert. 研究结果发现家庭经济状况良好、个性外向、女性、以及就读科系的不同会影响学生是否出国游学。 3.Keats felt with walking he was part of the land – that he didn’t have to be a rich person to be able to experience the sublime (he couldn’t afford to go further afield on the Grand Tour). 济慈觉得行走时他是土地的一部分—— 所以他没有必要成为一个富人来体验崇高(他在游学旅行时没有财力走更远)。 相关资料 |