2019-04-09Yet the difference in tome and language must strike us, so soon as it is philosophy that speaks: that change should remind us that even if the function of religion and that of reason coincide, this fu...
2019-04-09Cryptic coloring is by far the commonest use of color in the struggle for existence. It is employed for the purpose of attack (aggressive resemblance or anticryptic coloring ) as well as of defense (p...
2019-04-09Pageants are usually conceived on a fairly large scale, often under the auspices of some local or civic authority or at any rate in connection with local groups of some kind. This sometimes means that...
2019-04-09The statistics I’ve cited and the living examples are all too familiar to you. But what may not be so familiar will be the increasing number of women who are looking actively for advancement of ...
2019-04-09New and bizarre crimes have come into being with the advent of computer technology. Organized crime to has been directly involved; the new technology offers it unlimited opportunities, such as data cr...
2019-04-09Passage Eight (Wakefield Master’s Realism)Moreover, insofar as any interpretation of its author can be made from the five or six plays attributed to him, the Wake field Master is uniformly consi...
2019-04-09Passage Nine (The Continuity of the Religious Struggle in Britain)Though England was on the whole prosperous and hopeful, though by comparison with her neighbors she enjoyed internal peace, she could ...
2019-04-09Passage Ten (Photography and Art)The earliest controversies about the relationship between photography and art centered on whether photograph’s fidelity to appearances and dependence on a machin...
2023-04-07The past ages of man have all been carefully labeled by anthropologists. Descriptions like ‘ Palaeolithic Man’, 'Neolithic Man’, etc., neatly sum up whole periods. When the time come...
2019-04-09When you think of the tremendous technological progress we have made, it’s amazing how little we have developed in other respects. We may speak contemptuously of the poor old Romans because they...