
  • Accidenti 真差劲 Viva 万岁 Dio mio 我的上帝 Povero me 可怜的我 Santo cielo 我的圣天 Per carita 谢天谢地 mamma mia 我的天啊! 表示吃惊 forza! 相当于dai...

  • 叹词Interiezioni Ah啊! Eh哦! Oh哦! Mah哼! Ahime哎哟! Dai 来吧 Bravo 真棒 Pero 真没想到 Peccato 真遗...

  • hThe Italian h is always silent and as such an Italian speaker won’t pronounce it when it occurs in foreign origin words (e.g. hotel). Moreover the letter h in Italian occurs only in the groups ch a...

  • The Italian alphabet is fairly similar to our own (English, or depending on where you’re from, American). The letters K,J,W,X,Y occur only in foreign origin words. Each lesson will explain a few mor...

  • signorina - misstu - you (informal)voi - you (plural, formal and informal)io - INumbers 1-100 zero1 uno2 due3 tre4 quattro5 cinque6 sei7 sette8 otto9 nove10 dieciPronunciation...

  • essi - they (persons or things)loro - them (persons or things), they (common speech, persons)grazie - thank youspiacente - I’m sorrynoi - us, we (plural)signore - sir, mister, mr.signora - madame, m...

  • This Week’s New Words:ciao - hello, goodbye (familiar)salve - helloaddio - goodbyebene - wellegli - he (literary)lui - he (common speech), himella - she (literary)lei - she (common speech), heresso ...

  • aglio e olio 大蒜和橄榄油gli agnolotti 小的 , 新月形的面食all’amatriciana 有刺激味的番茄沙司加洋葱和熏肉all’arrabbiata 辛辣的番茄沙司alla bolognese 肉沙司i c...

  • 爱人(可以叫小孩,也可以叫配偶、男(女)朋友)amore姐姐 sorella maggiore妹妹 sorella minore小妹妹 sorellina哥哥 fratello maggiore / fratellone弟弟 fratello minore小...

  • 妻子 moglie 丈夫 marito孙子 nipotino孙女 nipotina岳父 suocero岳母 suocera 孩子 bambino夫人 signora新郎 sposo新娘 sposa奶奶 nonna paterna爷爷 nonno paterno外婆 nonna materna ...
