2023-01-162017年bec初级商务英语口语:解决方案的提出英文正文Raymond: What the heck is going on here?Howcould we be so completely in the dark about theserumors until now? Jonathan: There’ve...
2019-01-182017年bec初级商务英语口语:问答技巧英文正文Mary: We all agree that Wang has been doing a goodjob for us making our watches, right?Others: Right.Mary: What they are doing is selling i...
2019-01-182017年bec初级商务英语口语:以反建议辩驳原议英文正文Vincent: You know, we don’t have to pick either ofthe two options. We could just continue selling ourproduct. After all, it...
2019-01-182017年bec初级商务英语口语:买卖过招英文正文Dan: I’d like to get the ball rolling by talking aboutprices.Robert: Shoot. I’d be happy to answer anyquestions you may have.Dan: Your ...
2019-01-182017年bec初级商务英语口语:远来贵宾谈代工英文正文Robert: We found your proposal quite interesting,Mr. Hughes. We would like to weigh the pros andcons with you.Kevin: Mr. Liu, we...
2022-10-292017年bec初级商务英语口语:会议结束英文正文Grace: Let me take a minute to sum up the mainpoints of this discussion. We can’t leave the producton the market; we’ll lose more money...
2019-01-182017年bec初级商务英语口语:把手言欢定合约英文正文Robert: How about 15% for the first six months,and for the second six months at 12%, with aguarantee of 3000 units?Dan: hat’s a ...
2023-11-032017年bec初级商务英语口语:谈判得失要思量英文正文Kevin: We can’t sign any contract for ten years. Butif your production quality is good after the firstyear, we could extend the ...
2023-01-052017年bec初级商务英语口语:需求1 We’d like to express our desire to establishbusiness relations with you on the basis of equality,mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods.2 In ord...
2022-09-092017年bec初级商务英语口语:产品信息Part Two Product Information1. This model of typewriter is efficient andendurable , economical and practical for middleschool students.2. The computer ...