You probably know that for every professore there is a professoressa, and for every studente there is a studentessa. But how about other nouns of profession, status, or relation that have a male and a female version? Most masculine nouns ending in -tore become feminine by changing -tore to -trice (see table below). GENDERED NOUNS: FROM -TORE TO -TRICE MASCULINE FEMININE ENGLISH attore attrice actor autore autrice author direttore direttrice director imperatore imperatrice emperor/empress lavoratore lavoratrice worker pittore pittrice painter scrittore scrittrice writer stiratore stiratrice presser traditore traditrice traitor traduttore traduttrice translator Some masculine nouns become feminine by changing their final vowel to -a (see table below). GENDERED NOUNS THAT GAIN AN -A IN THE FEMININE MASCULINE FEMININE ENGLISH cameriere cameriera waiter/waitress cassiere cassiera bank teller figlio figlia son/daughter giardiniere giardiniera gardener infermiere infermiera nurse marchese marchesa marquis/marchioness padrone padrona boss, owner portiere portiera doorman/doorwoman sarto sarta tailor/dressmaker signore signora Mr./Mrs. Take note that there are certain names of professions that end in -a regardless of whether the term refers to a male or a female. In such case, the gender distinction is made by the definite article: il giornalista/la giornalista, il dentista/la dentista. The plurals of these professions follow the same general rule as with any other noun: Plural masculine nouns end in -i (i giornalisti, i dentisi), plural feminine nouns end in -e (le giornaliste, le dentiste). 相关资料 |