
全国等级考试资料网 2022-10-09 02:57:10 106

A note on accents : dictionaries indicate the tonic accent, i.e. put an accent on the vowel in the stressed syllable in the word (this is in the vast majority of cases the last but one, so called plain or flat words). This accent is not used and not required in normal writing. In normal writing the accent is required ONLY if the word ENDS with an accented vowel (i.e. the last syllable is accented, so called truncated words), e.g. perché. In handwriting do not bother to use the acute or the grave accent, just put any little sign over the vowel. On typewriters with Italian keyboards there are accented keys. On computer keyboards we usually prefer to use ASCII keyboards without accented keys, and just use an apostrophe instead of the accent, e.g. perche’ : it is simpler and more portable.


The Italian i is the same as the English long e or ee as in see.


The o is always pronounced as the o in the word cold or dog. Here too actually there are two sounds of o :

an OPEN one, indicated with the grave accent : ò (similar to dog)   a CLOSED one, indicated with the acute accent : ó (similar to cold)  The same comments made above for the letter e hold.


