Italian and English differ in their usage of adjectives. Italian descriptive adjectives are usually placed after the noun they modify, and with which they agree in gender and number. COMMON ITALIAN ADJECTIVES ENDING IN -O allegro cheerful, happy buono good, kind cattivo bad, wicked freddo cold grasso fat leggero light nuovo new pieno full stretto narrow timido timid, shy Adjectives ending in -o have four forms: masculine singular, masculine plural, feminine singular, and feminine plural. Observe how the adjectives nero and cattivo change to agree with nouns they modify. ENDINGS OF -O ADJECTIVES SINGULAR PLURAL il gatto nero (the black cat, masculine) i gatti neri (the black cats, masculine) la gatta nera (the black cat, feminine) le gatte nere (the black cats, feminine) il ragazzo cattivo (the bad boy) i ragazzi cattivi (the bad boys) la ragazza cattiva (the bad girl) le ragazze cattive (the bad girls) Note that when an adjective modifies two nouns of different gender, it retains its masculine ending. For example: i padri e le madre italiani (Italian fathers and mothers). Although the majority of Italian adjectives have four forms (as in italiano, italiana, italiani, italiane) there are exceptions. Not all Italian adjectives have a singular form ending in -o. There are a number of adjectives that end in -e. The singular ending -e changes to -i in the plural, whether the noun is masculine or feminine. ENDINGS OF -E ADJECTIVES SINGULAR PLURAL il ragazzo triste (the sad boy) i ragazzi tristi(the sad boys) la ragazza triste (the sad girl) le ragazze tristi (the sad girls) ITALIAN ADJECTIVES ENDING IN -E abile able difficile difficult felice happy forte strong grande big, large, great importante important intelligente intelligent interessante interesting triste sad veloce fast, speedy There are quite a few other exceptions for forming plural adjectives. For instance, adjectives that end in -io (with the stress falling on that i) form the plural with the ending -ii: addio/addii; leggio/leggii; zio/zii. The table below contains a chart of other irregular adjective endings you should know. FORMING PLURAL ADJECTIVES SINGULAR ENDING PLURAL ENDING -ca -che -cia -ce -cio -ci -co -chi -ga -ghe -gia -ge -gio -gi -glia -glie -glio -gli -go -ghi -scia -sce -scio -sci 相关资料 |