请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 长沙会战 长沙会战又称“长沙保卫战”,发生在抗日战争1939年9月到1944年8月期间,是中国军队与侵华日军以长沙为中心进行的4次大规模的激烈攻防战。在会战中,长沙市被火烧两天两夜。长沙会战是中国抗战中,中日双方出动兵力最多(日军66万人次,中国军队100余万人次)、规模最大、历时最长的一次大会战,日军共伤亡10.7万人,中国军队共伤亡13万人,最终以中国军队撤出长沙结束。 参考译文 Battle of Changsha The Battle of Changsha (also known as "the Battle to Defend Changsha") involved four large-scale offensive and defensive battles. Centered in Changsha, these battles between Chinese and Japanese troops occurred between September 1939 and August 1944 during the war against Japanese aggression. During the battle, Changsha City was burned for a total of two days. The Battle of Changsha was the longest battle of the war and involved the largest number of troops, with 660,000 Japanese troops and over a million Chinese troops. With respective Japanese and Chinese casualties of 107,000 and 130,000, the battle ended with the withdrawal of Chinese troops from Changsha. 相关推荐:2017年12月英语六级翻译题库汇总(367篇) 相关资料 |