2018年6月英语六级翻译考试试题:陶行知 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 陶行知 陶行知(1891.10.18-1946.7.25),现代著名平民教育家。陶行知提出了“生活即教育”、“社会即学校”、“教学做合一”三大主张,其中生活教育理论是陶行知教育思想的理论核心。陶行知毕生从事平民教育事业,并且真正做到身体力行,同贫苦学生同劳动、同甘苦。毛泽东称赞他为“伟大的人民教育家”,宋庆龄尊称他为“万世师表”。 参考译文 Tao Xingzhi Tao Xingzhi (October 18, 1891-July 25,1946) is a famous educator in modern times. He proposed three major concepts: "life means education", "society means school" and "integration of teaching and learning", among which the theory on life and education is the theoretical core of his educational conception. He engaged in education in all his life, and set examples personally and shared joys and sorrows with the destitute students. Mao Zedong praised him as "a great people’s educator", and Song Qingling respected him as "the model of teachers in the history". 相关推荐:2018年英语六级翻译题库汇总(535篇) 相关资料 |