PassageOne 新旧情况 旧 题材 历史类 题目 俄罗斯芭蕾历史 题型 判断题 6 个 摘要题 7 个 整篇文章按照时间和人物顺序安排,第一段姜 17世纪俄罗斯对待芭蕾的态度。 第二段讲两任沙皇罗曼诺夫和彼得大帝对待芭蕾的不同。 第三、四段讲几位艺术家在俄罗斯的遭遇,其中有普希金,尼金斯基 (Nijinsky) (类似参考文章) The History of Russian Ballet 17th Century Ballet in Russia was created by foreigners and yet it is most definitely "Russian". In the 17th century ballet was introduced into Russia by the second Romanov ruler Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich (1629-1676, reigned from 1645) for his wedding festivities. Peter the Great (1672-1725, reigned from 1682) took a personal interest in dancing at his court by bringing in Western dances and taking part in them himself. With the help of his prisoners from the Swedish wars -- the Swedish officers -- he taught his courtiers. 18th Century The dissemination of ballet in Russia and its deep rooted appeal to all Russians can be traced back to those nobles who, often living so far away from the capital, commanded their own entertainment, setting up ballet troupes often composed of serfs who had been trained at the Imperial School. The formal beginning of Russian ballet can be traced back to a letter written in 1737 to the Empress Anne (1693-1740, reigned from 1730) by the teacher of gymnastics at the Imperial Cadet School. 相关资料 |