
全国等级考试资料网 2019-01-25 10:33:06 146


1) 大麻可以给癌症病人减轻痛苦。(“大麻”作主语)

Marijuana is believed as the relief to pain of cancer patients.

2) 使用毒品应该合法化,以帮助哪些真正需要他们的人。

Drug consumption should be legalized in order to help those who are in real need of it.

3) 社区服务是老年人再就业的一个好机会。

Community service is considered as an opportunity for senior citizens’ reemployment.

4) 政府认为互联网审查制度是预防网络犯罪的好方法。

Governments are convinced that Internet censorship is an ideal way to prevent online crimes.

5) 媒体发表有关名人的八卦新闻,以满足读者的好奇心。

Gossip about celebrities is published to satisfy readers’ curiosity.

6) 在我看来,妇女应该有权选择是否堕胎。

Women, as far as I am concerned, are entitled to choose the right of abortion or not.

7) 审查制度违背了新闻自由的原则。

Censorship is regarded as a violation of press freedom.

8) 人们强烈反对把罪犯关进监狱,因为这种做法浪费了纳税人的钱。

Putting criminals into prison, the activity that equals to wastes of taxpayers’ money, is strongly opposed.

9) 在公共场合安装摄像头听起来合理,但是这样做侵犯公众的隐私。

Camera installation in public areas is condemned as the offense of privacy despite of its infirm irrationality.


It is widely acknowledged to be incredible keeping children from delinquency by the mere efforts of persuasion and instruction.

