2018年12月英语六级翻译练习:大学教育的目的 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 大学教育的目的 现在,随着高校扩招政策的实行,在中国高等教育不再仅仅是少数人的特权。过去十年见证了拥有大学文凭的人数比例的增长,从十年前的8.3%稳定增长到了现在的23.5%。 然而,任何事物都是有两面性的。每年如此多的毕业生涌入就业市场,加剧了找工作的竞争力。他们中的许多人无法找到工作。所以,在那些对高等教育采取消极态度并且认为攻读学位只是徒劳的人中,“读书无用论”开始盛行。 参考译文 The Purpose of College Education Nowadays, with the policyof collegeenrollment expansion inChina,higher education is nolonger the privilege only enjoyed byminorities. The past decade has witnessed a steady increase in the percentageof people owning college diploma, from 8.3% to 23.5%. However, every coin has two sides. Everyyear so many graduates pour into the employmentmarket and greatlyintensify the competition in job market. Plenty of themremain unemployed.Consequently, the concept of “uselessness of study”prevails among the people who adoptanegative attitude toward higher education and believe it futile to pursue a degree. 热点关注:2018年英语六级翻译模拟题(906篇) 相关资料 |