a method of presenting and selling products or services in which a salesperson goes to the residences or homes of potential buyers, knocking on their doors to solicit business EXAMPLE: "Many homeowners dislike door-to-door selling and consider it to be disturbing to their privacy." feasibility test (noun) a procedure or basis for evaluation or assessment to see if something is capable of being accomplished or brought about, or is possible EXAMPLE: "A business will often do a feasibility test on a product before spending money to market it to consumers." feel the pinch a financially difficult, tight, strained, or squeezed circumstance or situation EXAMPLE: "Experiencing little demand for its products, the company began to feel the pinch." file thirteen any container to discard or throw away unwanted paperwork; in an office setting a container for rubbish; the wastebasket EXAMPLE: "The salesperson crumpled the cancelled order and tossed it into file thirteen." fat cat a wealthy and privileged person EXAMPLE: "More than one fat cat has been seen visiting the offices of political candidates." 备考指导:2016年全国英语等级考试内容大纲解析汇总 2016年全国英语等级考试备考辅导篇 小编推荐: 2016年9月全国英语等级考试报名时间及入口 2016年全国英语等级考试考试时间 报名方式 ||报名条件和要求 ||合格证书补办 ||报名流程 ||注意事项 PETS报考问题汇总 ||报考完全指南 ||全国英语等级考试考点查询及联系方式 公共英语考试培训:《公共英语PETS签约保过套餐班》分版块教学,考试题型全覆盖;针对性讲解,快速提高考试技巧与能力;系统培训听力、阅读、翻译口译各项技能,既拿证书又提升英语能力;为你带来最详尽的剖析及解答,并提供最优质的公共英语考试培训课程!最新套餐优惠价等你来抢!机会难得,欲报从速! 相关资料 |