
全国等级考试资料网 2022-11-22 17:15:51 279

The working lunch

Dialogue 1

A: Excuse me, Don? I hate to bother you, but I need your help on something.Do you have time to brief me on the Martin account today?

B: Oh, that’s right. You are supposed to deliver a brief on that accounttomorrow. I know there are some things I need to share with you about that. But,gosh, I don’t know.... Things are really busy for me today, the only time I canmanage to squeeze out might be over lunch break....

A: I hate to make you work through your lunch break with how busy youare....

B: It’s okay.... I’ve already had several days in a row working throughlunch....

A: How about this.... We can make it a working lunch this afternoon, andI’ll order some Chinese food for delivery. It’ll be my treat.

B: You don’t have to do that....

A: I insist. I really appreciate you taking time to work with me in. Whatis your favorite fast food? I’ll cater to your taste.

B: Actually I do like Chinese.... Let’s make it a date for Chop Suey andthe Martin account at about 12:30. Does that sound good?

A: Great. I’ll bring the food.

Dialogue 2

A: For our lunch meeting with the investors, do we have to make areservation at the restaurant or do we just show up?

B: Usually for lunch, we don’t have to reserve a table, they should allowwalk-ins. But to be on the safe side, I’ll order a table for half-past twelve.Will that suit your schedule?

A: I’ve arranged to meet them at the restaurant at twelve. Can you make thereservation a little earlier? If we start earlier, it will give us more time fora longer lunch.

B: Are you planning on treating the investors to a full-course meal?

A: Yes, we’ll start with appetizers, follow with a soup and salad course,then main dishes of prime rib or cordon bleu chicken, and finish up with adelicious rich dessert of some sort.

B: That’ll be pretty heavy for a mid-day meal, don’t you think?

A: As along as we stay away from anything alcoholic, we should be okay.

B: With your prime rib and chicken choices, you’d better hope nobody’svegetarian.

A: We can make some special arrangement if we need to. After all, it’s thecompany who is footing the bill.

