2018年6月英语六级翻译考试试题:剪纸 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 剪纸是中国最古老的民间艺术之一,它的历史至少可追朔到公元6世纪。它是一种镂空艺术,在视觉上给人以透空的感觉和艺术享受,其载体可以是纸张、金银箔、树皮、树叶、布、皮、革等片状材料。2006年5月20日,剪纸艺术遗产经中国国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。今天,剪纸依然是中国百姓用以表达意愿、思想和情感的重要形式,它介入当代民俗活动,呈现出互动的活力和再创造的生命力。 参考译文 Paper-cut is one of the oldest folk arts in China whose history can be dated back at least to the 6th century. It is a hollowing art giving a visually see-through feeling and artistic enjoyment. Its carriers can be paper, tinsel, bark, leaf, cloth, leather and other sheet type materials. In May 20, 2006, paper-cut art heritage was classified in the first batch of State-level Intangible Cultural Heritage List after the approval of China’s State Council. Nowadays, paper-cut is still an important form for Chinese people to express expectations, thoughts and emotions. It is involved in contemporary folk activities and shows interactive vigor and recreation vitality. 相关推荐:2018年英语六级翻译题库汇总(535篇) 相关资料 |