2018年6月英语六级翻译考试试题:农村五保供养 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 农村五保供养 “农村五保供养”是指政府按照《农村五保供养工作条例》的规定,在吃、穿、住、医、葬方面给予村民生活照顾和物质帮助的政策。保吃、保穿、保住、保医、保葬,简称“五保”。年满60周岁的老年人、残疾人或未满16周岁的农村居民,无劳动能力、无生活来源又无法定赡养、抚养、扶养义务人,或者其法定赡养、抚养、扶养义务人无赡养、抚养、扶养能力的,均可申请享受农村五保供养待遇。 参考译文 The Five-Guaranteed Necessities Program for Rural Areas The government implemented a program titled the Five-Guaranteed Necessities Program for Rural Areas. The implementation of this plan allowed for subsidizing villager’s clothing, food, accommodations, medical service, and funeral ceremonies. These five requirements for living are called the "Five guarantees". One must live in a qualified village to receive this guarantee. Additionally, they must fit into one of the following categories: senior citizens, handicapped persons, those below sixteen years of age, persons without the ability to work, persons with no source of income, persons with no legal guardians to support them, or those with guardians who do not have the ability to do so. 相关推荐:2018年大学英语六级考试翻译题库(748篇) 相关资料 |