2018年大学英语六级翻译试题:人类相关3篇 第一篇 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 新新人类 “新新人类”一词最早起源于与外来文化接轨较为密切的台湾、香港等地区。最前面的“新”是修饰后面的“新人类”,意思是现行人类当中最新潮的年轻一族。“新新人类”并无指定的出生年代,一般指当前的中学至大学生。 参考译文 Fresh and Trendy Youth The term "fresh and trendy youth" first appeared in regions with close foreign contact, specifically Taiwan and Hong Kong. The word "fresh" describes the modern fashion sense of the young generation, particularly in middle school to college students, but there is no hard restriction on age group. 第二篇 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 人类灵魂的工程师 人类灵魂工程师是老师特定的称谓,也是社会给予教师的崇高赞誉。人类灵魂的工程师就是指教师的一项重要职责是塑造学生的灵魂,具体解释为教书育人是教师的本职工作.老师不仅要将科学文化知识传授给学生,更要教会学生如何做人,如何做一个对社会有用的人.所以,教师塑造了人类的灵魂,像工程师一样。 参考译文 Engineers of Human Souls It refers to teachers, showing the society’s appreciation toward this honorable career. As the engineers of human souls, teachers instruct students and help them to develop. They not only impart knowledge and skills to the next generation, but also teach them social principles and moral values, encouraging them to contribute positively to the society. 请将下面这段话翻译成英文: 现代人类 现代人类约公元前50000年第一次从中亚或印度来到中国.这些石器时代(Stone Age)的人,居住在洞穴中,穿着毛皮.公元前4000年左右,这些人开始种植水稻,并饲养羊和鸡.约公元前3000年,他们开始使用陶器(pottery)并住在房子里.到公元前2000年,中国人已进入青铜时代(Bronze Age),并开始用于写字.约公元前700年,中国的金属工人学会制作铁器工具和武器. 参考译文 Modem humans first came to China from Central Asia or India about 50,000 BC. These were Stone Age people, who lived in caves and wore fur and leather. By around 4,000 BC, these people were starting to farm rice and keep sheep and chickens. By about 3,000 BC, they were using pottery and living in houses. By 2,000 BC,Chinese people had entered the Bronze Age and had begun to use writing. By about 700 BC, Chinese metal-workers learned to make iron tools and weapons 小编推荐:2018年大学英语六级考试翻译题库(748篇) 相关资料 |