Spanish English FRASES COMUNES dar a alguien las gracias por algo ?Le diste las gracias? to thank someone for something Did you thank him? Did you say thank you? dar a alguien la bienvenida to welcome someone No me da la gana I don’t want to. / I don’t feel like it. dar un paseo ?quieres dar un paseo? to go for a walk Would you like to go for a walk dar una vuelta en coche dar una vuelta a la manzana to go for a drive to go round the block Note: "Dar una vuelta" could also mean to go for a spin. Le va a dar un ataque cuando lo vea he’ll have a fit when he sees it / he’ll go mad when he sees it dar patadas a algo / alguien to kick something / someone dar asco Me da asco Le dan asco las cebollas. to sicken / revolt It revolts me. He can’t stand onions. dar clases: Note: If someone says "doy clases de baile" It is not clear if they are the student or the teacher. to give classes (teacher) to have classes (student) dar de comer a había que darle de comer al águila con la mano to feed: the eagle had to be fed by hand dar en el blanco to hit the target - to get a bullseye dar la vuelta al mundo to go round the world dar un consejo a alguien to give someone some advice dar ánimo(s) a alguien to encourage someone - to urge someone on darse cuenta de algo No me di cuenta. to realise something I didn’t realise. dar una entrada para algo to put down a deposit on something dar un examen to take an exam dar fe de algo to testify to something. Note: At the end of legal documents it often says "Doy fe" before the signature. dar la lata siempre está dando la lata to be a nuisance / to bother someone he is always being a nuisance. dar voces to shout / scream dar a luz to give birth dar cosa Me da cosa preguntarle de nuevo to feel uncomfortable / awkward about something I feel awkward about asking him again en un momento dado at a given moment / time dado que given that / since dado por ... dado por muerto presumed to be .... presumed to be dead me da hambre: See note: After "me da ..." many expressions are possible: eg: me da envidia = It make me envious It makes me feel hungry: Note that there are many expressions with "me da ...." and they normally mean that something makes you feel something. So you could say "me da hambre" if you are looking a book of delicious recipes for example. dar pena / lástima Me da pena ver a esas personas A mí los que me dan pena son los ni?os to make sad / to upset / to feel sorry It upsets me to see those people It’s the children I feel sorry for dar guerra Estos ni?os me dan mucha guerra to cause trouble / to hassle These children give me a lot of hassle me da lo mismo me da igual it’s all the same to me it’s the same to me or I couldn’t care less: Note: "No me importa" is very similar. tuve que darle la razón I had to admit he was right dar saltos de alegría to jump for joy dar se?as / se?ales de to show signs of dar buena / mala suerte to bring good / bad luck 相关资料 |