
全国等级考试资料网 2023-03-04 23:54:26 71
Italian English
signora lady
lavagna blackboard
signore gentleman
bagno bath
signorina young lady
sogno dream
lasagne lasagna
spugna sponge
h is silent.
Italian English
ho I have
hotel hotel
ha has
ahi! ouch!
hanno they have
l is as in English, but sharper and more forward in the mouth.
Italian English
olio oil
lingua language
sale salt
lungo long
melone melon
luna moon
scuola school
light light
p is as in English, but without the aspiration that sometimes accompanies this sound in English.
Italian English
pane bread
patata potato
pepe pepper
papà dad
popone melon
ponte bridge
pipa pipe
punto period
pasto meal
pronuncia pronunciation
Alpi Alps
psicologo psychologist
qu is always pronounced like the English qu in quest.
Italian English
questo this
quinto fifth
quale which
quarto fourth
quanto how much
quantità quantity
quadro picture
qualità quality
r is different from the English r; it is pronounced with one flip of the tongue against the gums of the upper teeth. This is the trilled r.
Italian English
ora now
tenore tenor
albergo hotel
baritono baritone
arte art
orologio watch
porta door
sardina sardine
s is sometimes like the English s in house.
Italian English
soggiorno living room
testa head
stanza room
festa party; holiday
posta mail
stufato stew 相关资料
