
  • amare inf./n.爱做.../爱...ammirare inf.欣赏做某事ascoltare inf. 听见做某事bisogna inf./che cong.需要做某事desiderare inf.要求做某事dispiacere inf./n.不喜欢做...

  • Compound tenses such as the passato prossimo are formed with the present indicative of the auxiliary verb avere or essere and the past participle (participio passato). The past participle of regular v...

  • Usually, Italian words are stressed on the next?Cto?Cthe?Clast syllable.amicofriendfoglialeafMilanoMilannipotenephewpadrefatherparlaretospeaksignorinaMissstudiareto studytelefonareto telephoneuomomanW...

  • Language is fluid, and usage changes. A case in point is the subjunctive (il congiuntivo), which in English is rapidly becoming extinct. Phrases like “I suggest you go home immediately“ and “Rob...

  • In general Italian adjectives follow the noun:è una lingua difficile. (It is a difficult language.)Marina è una ragazza generosa. (Marina is a generous girl.)Certain common adjectives, however, gene...

  • 地点副词这类副词表达了地点,说明一个物体在空间中的定位或者一个物体与说话者之间的距离,它们回答了“dove?”“的提问。下面就是一些实例:Dav...

  • 副词副词没有词形变化,它与另一个词联用以确定或改变其含义,或者起到补充整句含义的作用。 副词可以改变下述词或句的含义:动词:名词: 形容词:...

  • 基数词基数词为表达数量的词,除uno 有阴性的变化una 以及mille 有复数的变化mila 之外,其余的基数词均没有形式上的变化。 uno, due, tre, quattro, cinque, mill...

  • 指示代词 questo 和 quello Questo 代指离说话人较近的人或物。Quello代指离说话人较近的人或物。它们可以被用作形容词放在名词前面: questo libro/quella penna...

  • 一般疑问句形式意大利语不像其它语言一样有专用的疑问句语法形式,对于没有疑问词的问句,在口语中通过语调的变化来(句末用升调)表达疑问,...

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