BEC商务英语,商务英语考试中的No.1,含金量已经无需多言。但是,无论是还在犹豫是否要参加BEC考试的,还是已经通过BEC考试的,都在疑惑到底学了BEC有什么用呢?让我们通过下面的学习来看看BEC到底都能让我们获得什么。听力:我觉得听力的收获最大。大概是因为本来我就每天练习听力的缘故,虽然一开始的听力课几乎不懂,但是,到后来那些常用的商业词汇和一些简单的商业场景熟悉了之后,就觉得好多了。而且,那个听力老师教的精听听力的方法,也是和现在一样,用听写,每句听写下来再跟读,再加速跟读,辨音,这样会有效果的。 当然,仍然有不少听不懂的地方,就是听力不好!还有长长的路啊。听力考试说得很好的一个是, 要增强商业逻辑,business logic & business sense。在听力里面有些就是听语气语感和逻辑,不全明白也得到the hidden message就需要这个了。我觉得这个词汇训练很有用! 1.graon about 抱怨 How come Michael’s always groaning aboutsomething? 2.guest lecturer 客座教授 The only person who understood the guestlecturer was the professor. 3.hand-me-down 送的东西 A: What a gorgeous jacket. It must have cost afortune. B: Not at all. It’s a hand-me-down. 4.hand down 易如反掌 Lee won the chess match hands down. 5.have a way with 擅长 Bonnie really has a way with words. 6.have had it with 处于 I’ve had it with being sick in bed. I’ve read most of these magazines twice. 7. head and shoulders above 高出许多 In computer programming. Susan is head and shoulders above the rest of us. 8. hit the spots 特别好 This lemonade sure hits the spots. 9. hold the grudge 记仇 A: I wish I hadn’t hurt Mary’s feelings like that. You know I never meant to. B: The great thing about Mary is that she doesn’t hold the grudge. 10. I have no idea which way to turn 我不知道该怎么办 相关资料 |