六、学生业余娱乐生活场景(看电影、看戏剧、获奖、毕业打算、约会见面) 1. 看电影、看戏剧; 2. 听说电影好、邀请看电影、电影没意思、电影看不懂、电影真不值; 3. 邀请去看电影,一般都不会接受,主要的理由是因为学习的问题,然后再表达一下惋惜的心情,通常会用虚拟语气; 4. 一方获奖了,另一方赞扬、敬佩。 Let’s go watch the movie tonight. Would you like to go to the movie with us tonight? How about seeing the new movie at the theater tonight? It’s a waste of time/money. 七、健康生活场景 1. 身体不舒适,需要看病; 2. 医生忙,要耐心; 3. 有病要尽早去治疗,否则要产生很多麻烦; 4. 吸烟对身体不好,要戒烟。 八、交通活动场景 1. 搭乘飞机旅行,首先要预定机票,经常会遇到预定完毕(be booked up),因此只能推迟时间;有时因为无法到达机场,必须改机票(get ticket changed); 2. 经常因为天气原因(because of/due to the bad weather)或机械故障(mechanical problem)而导致航班延误,需要等待进一步消息或通知(further notice); 3. 步行是一种锻炼方式;骑自行车可以回避高峰,但车胎容易没气(flat tire);乘巴士方便,但中途容易出故障(break down);开车上班容易塞车(much traffic jam);坐火车可以看风景(sightsee),但火车上食物不好,因此经常选择自己带食物或提前吃; 4. 出现交通意外的原因一般是超速或者是躲避不及。 九、用餐场景 内容主要包括:预定用餐、邀请用餐、外出就餐、等待用餐、品尝食物等。 1. 两人经常会讨论这个东西好不好,是不是健康食品; 2. 两人经常会讨论去什么样的餐馆吃饭; 3. 出去吃饭,需要提前定位子; 4. 外出吃饭的原因主要是寻求安静或想尝试一下新口味; 5. 如果去一个比较豪华、精致的餐馆,可能还会谈到穿正式服装(formal dress); 6. 如果两个学生讨论是出去吃饭还是学习,最终选择的一般是学习。 十、买卖活动场景 内容主要包括:买家具、买房子、买书、买电视机、卖车等。 1. 经常讨论区去什么地方购物,什么地方东西便宜,品种多; 2. 说话的第一个人想买的货品总是没有的,有时第二人从应答中会暗示第一人其他的解决方案; 3. 两人讨论买房子,最后结果是:现在买时机不太合适。 练习: 6.What’s the probable relationship between the two speakers? [A] Receptionist and customer. [B] Waitress and customer. [C] Salesperson and customer. [D] Nurse and patient. 7.What’s wrong with the man? [A] He forgot his appointment with his manager. [B] He lefe his keys at home. [C] He is locked out of his office. [D] He lost the manager’s keys. 8.How will the man get to San Francisco? [A] By plane. [B] By bus. [C] By car. [D] By train. 9.Where is the man when the woman calls him? [A] He is on his way to where they should meet. [B] He is at home. [C] He is in his office. [D] He is at the main entrance. 10.What is the price of one watch? [A] 10 dollars. [B] 5 dollars. [C] 9 dollars. [D] 18 dollars. 相关资料 |