deficit n. 赤字;不足额 And so -- but we do have to deal with the deficit. 所以说但是,我们的确必须解决赤字问题。 damp vt. 使潮湿;使阻尼;使沮丧,抑制 Damp gunpowder will not fire. 潮湿的火药不会起火。 departure n. 离开;出发;违背 The secretary’s sudden departure disorganized the whole company. 该秘书的突然离去使全公司陷入混乱。 cynical adj. 愤世嫉俗的;冷嘲的 He was so cynical that he sneered at everything that made life worth living. 他也太玩世不恭了,凡是对人生有意义的事,他一概加以嘲笑。 dedicate vt. 致力;献身;题献 To her I dedicate this book. 我把这本书献给她。 deadline n. 截止期限,最后期限 In this case, you’ll want to set yourself a deadline. 在这种情况下,你要为自己设定一个最后期限。 degenerate vt. 使退化;恶化 But why do men degenerate ever? 为什么人类总是在退化? depict vt. 描述;描画 Therefore using control flow to depict events is not a good idea. 因此使用控制流来描述事件并不是一个好主意。 curb n. 抑制;路边;勒马绳 We must curb the spread and use of these weapons. 我们必须遏制这类武器的扩散和使用。 deadly adj. 致命的;非常的;死一般的 The shock was deadly to him. 这次打击对他是致命的。 1.Educational standards in this school are__________year by year because of a lack of funds. 2.It looks like we’re going to have another budget __________ this year because we overspent. 3.Arsenic is a __________ substance and can kill people in a couple of minutes. 4.The grass is still__________from yesterday’s rain. 5.If Janet wants to succeed,she must first learn how to__________her temper. 6.The teacher made Friday afternoon the __________ for handing in all book reports. 7.It is hard to befriend someone who is __________about friendship. 8.The doctor__________ her life to improving hospital care. 9.Our __________ was delayed because of bad weather at the destination airport. 10.These paintings__________the lives of the aristocracy in the last century. 答案:1.degenerating 2.deficit 3.deadly 4.damp 5.curb 6.deadline 7.cynical 8.dedicated 9.departure 10.depict 相关资料 |