Spanish English FRASES COMUNES dar a alguien las gracias por algo ?Le diste las gracias? to thank someone for something Did you thank him? Did you say thank you? dar a alguien la bienvenida to welcome someone No me da la gana I don’t want to. / I don’t feel like it. dar un paseo ?quieres dar un paseo? to go for a walk Would you like to go for a walk dar una vuelta en coche dar una vuelta a la manzana to go for a drive to go round the block Note: "Dar una vuelta" could also mean to go for a spin. Le va a dar un ataque cuando lo vea he’ll have a fit when he sees it / he’ll go mad when he sees it dar patadas a algo / alguien to kick something / someone dar asco Me da asco Le dan asco las cebollas. to sicken / revolt It revolts me. He can’t stand onions. dar clases: Note: If someone says "doy clases de baile" It is not clear if they are the student or the teacher. to give classes (teacher) to have classes (student) dar de comer a había que darle de comer al águila con la mano to feed: the eagle had to be fed by hand dar en el blanco to hit the target - to get a bullseye dar la vuelta al mundo to go round the world dar un consejo a alguien to give someone some advice dar ánimo(s) a alguien to encourage someone - to urge someone on darse cuenta de algo No me di cuenta. to realise something I didn’t realise. dar una entrada para algo to put down a deposit on something dar un examen to take an exam dar fe de algo to testify to something. Note: At the end of legal documents it often says "Doy fe" before the signature. dar la lata siempre está dando la lata to be a nuisance / to bother someone he is always being a nuisance