2019-04-0954.Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size, number, arrangement, and interconnection of the nerve cells, but as far as psychoneuaral correlations were concerned, the obvious similar...
2019-04-0957.Neither would it prevent cruise missiles or bombers, whose flights are within the Earth’s atmosphere, from hitting their targets.58.Civil rights activists have long argued that one of the...
2019-04-0961.Of course, it would be as dangerous to overreact to history by concluding that the majority must now be wrong about expansion as it would be to re-enact the response that greeted the suggestion t...
2019-04-0964.With respect to their reasons for immigrating, Grassy does not deny their frequently noted fact that some of the immigrants of the 1630’s, most notably the organizers and clergy, advanced r...
2019-04-0967. Unless productivity growth is unexpectedly large, however, the expansion of real output must eventually begin to slow down to the economy’s larger run growth potential if generalized deman...
2019-04-0971. No prudent person dared to act on the assumption that, when the continent was settled, one government could include the whole; and when the vast expense broke up, as seemed inevitable, into a co...
2019-04-0974.The instinctive sense of the dishonor which money-purchase does to art is so strong that sometimes a man of letters who can pay his way otherwise refuses pay for his work, as Lord Byron did, for ...
2019-04-0977.In the Warren Court era, voters asked the Court to pass on issues concerning the size and shape of electoral districts, partly out of desperation because no other branch of government offered rel...
2019-04-0981.Both novelists use a storytelling method that emphasizes ironic disjunctions between different perspectives on the same events as well as ironic tensions that inhere in the relationship between s...
2023-09-0284.But black poets were not battling over old or new rather, one accomplished Black poet was ready to welcome another, whatever his or her style, for what mattered was racial pride.85.Tolstoy reve...