
  • 咖啡= Café 茶= Chá 果汁= Sumo 水 = água 啤酒 = Cerveja 酒 = Vinho 盐 = Sal 胡椒= Pimenta 肉 = Carne 牛肉 = Bife 猪肉 = Porco 鱼 = Peixe 家禽 = Aves 蔬菜 = Vegetais 水果= Fru...

  • I eu ayu he ele ele - the first ’e’ is very close, almost like an English ’i’, whereas the second ’e’ is barely audible (so it sounds almost like you are saying ’ill’). she ela ela...

  • Excuse me Com licen?a Com[ng] lissensa – lit. “with permission”. I don’t understand n?o entendo now[ng] entendu – lit. “not I understand”. so then ent?o entow[ng] – lit. “then”, ...

  • Where are you from? De onde é? Di-yondi-yeh? in England na Inglaterra na Inglaterrrra – lit. “in the England” in Portugal em Portugal aym[ng] Portugal I am from London Sou de Londres Soh de ...

  • I am English Sou Inglês Soh Ingle[a]ysh – only said by males Sou Inglesa Soh Ingle[a]yza – only said by females I am Portuguese Sou Português Soh Portooge[a]ysh – only said by males Sou Portu...

  • a minha amiga a minya ameega – lit. “the my friend” – when used by a female referring to a female friend a friend um amigo oom[ng] ameegu – a male friend uma amiga oom[ng]a ameega – a fem...

  • EnglishPortuguesePronunciation/Notes My name is… Chamo-me… Shamu-me… – lit. “I call myself…” O meu nome é… oo mayu nome eh – lit. “the my name is…” What is your name?Como se-...

  • ’Com licen?a’ is often said as a parting formality – for example, as a polite way to end a telephone conversation. The word ’ent?o’ is a very useful word for linking to a new subject without...

  • (4)凡在地上有血肉动物,都是飞鸟,牲畜,走兽,和爬在地上的昆虫,以及所有的人都死了,凡地上各类的活物都从地上除灭了,只留下了挪亚和那...

  • (3)你要拿各样食物积蓄起来,好作你和他们的食物。挪亚就这样做了。凡神所吩咐的,他都照行了。E armazene todo tipo de alimento para que você e eles tenham ma...
