2023-01-24咖啡= Café 茶= Chá 果汁= Sumo 水 = água 啤酒 = Cerveja 酒 = Vinho 盐 = Sal 胡椒= Pimenta 肉 = Carne 牛肉 = Bife 猪肉 = Porco 鱼 = Peixe 家禽 = Aves 蔬菜 = Vegetais 水果= Fru...
2023-04-02I eu ayu he ele ele - the first ’e’ is very close, almost like an English ’i’, whereas the second ’e’ is barely audible (so it sounds almost like you are saying ’ill’). she ela ela...
2022-09-10Excuse me Com licen?a Com[ng] lissensa – lit. “with permission”. I don’t understand n?o entendo now[ng] entendu – lit. “not I understand”. so then ent?o entow[ng] – lit. “then”, ...
2022-10-27Where are you from? De onde é? Di-yondi-yeh? in England na Inglaterra na Inglaterrrra – lit. “in the England” in Portugal em Portugal aym[ng] Portugal I am from London Sou de Londres Soh de ...
2023-05-25I am English Sou Inglês Soh Ingle[a]ysh – only said by males Sou Inglesa Soh Ingle[a]yza – only said by females I am Portuguese Sou Português Soh Portooge[a]ysh – only said by males Sou Portu...
2023-07-27a minha amiga a minya ameega – lit. “the my friend” – when used by a female referring to a female friend a friend um amigo oom[ng] ameegu – a male friend uma amiga oom[ng]a ameega – a fem...
2023-02-13EnglishPortuguesePronunciation/Notes My name is… Chamo-me… Shamu-me… – lit. “I call myself…” O meu nome é… oo mayu nome eh – lit. “the my name is…” What is your name?Como se-...
2022-09-04’Com licen?a’ is often said as a parting formality – for example, as a polite way to end a telephone conversation. The word ’ent?o’ is a very useful word for linking to a new subject without...
2019-01-22(3)你要拿各样食物积蓄起来,好作你和他们的食物。挪亚就这样做了。凡神所吩咐的,他都照行了。E armazene todo tipo de alimento para que você e eles tenham ma...