
全国等级考试资料网 2023-01-29 08:23:36 37
 英语里的法语词汇(十)en escalier 坐自动扶梯
going up like stairs; the English tends to be used of text.
en plein air 室外
literally "in the open air", and is particularly used to describe the act of painting outdoors.
en pointe 顶端的,高峰的
(in ballet) on tiptoe. Though used in French in this same context, it is not an expression as such. A "pointe" is the ballet figure where one stands on tiptoes. The expression "en pointe", though, means "in an acute angle", and, figuratively, it qualifies the most progressive or modern things (ideas, industry...).
en principe, oui 原则上是可以的
"in principle, yes" : a diplomatic way of saying ’no’
en route 在路上
on the way
ennui 乏味,无聊
entre nous在我们之中
confidentially; literally "between us"
entre 入口,前菜
literally "entrance"; the first course of a meal (UK English); used to denote the main dish or course of a meal (US English).
entremets 甜食(主菜和水果之前)
desserts/sweet dishes. More literally, a side dish that can be served between the courses of a meal.
a person who undertakes and operates a new enterprise or venture and assumes some accountability for the inherent risks 相关资料
