
  • 表示地点小品词ci 在避免重复的地方,也可以指前文所说的地点,如下例:A ) -Sei stata a Roma ?-No , non ci sono mai stato/a .B) Andiamo al mare . Ci vieni anche tu ?...

  • 搭配在近过去时中,直接宾语要与助动词avere 后面的动词不定式进行性、数上的搭配。例子:1)Ho letto questo libro . L’ho lettto ( questo libro ).在上句中,l’...

  • I am eating, you are drinking, the soprano is singing. In Italian, the gerund (il gerundio) is equivalent to the “-ing“ verb form in English. To form the simple gerund in Italian, add -ando to the...

  • The negative words neanche, nemmeno, and neppure are used to replace anche (too, also, as well) in negative sentences. Please note that these three words can be used interchangeably, as in the followi...

  • 不规则动词某些动词并不服从正常的变位规则,这些动词被称为不规则动词。这些动词的不规则性可体现在以下几个方面:动词的词根and - are vad-o (直陈...

  • 副动词副动词用以说明主句谓语动词的行为方式。Guardando dalla finestra vedo il tuo giardino副动词有两个时态:现在时和过去时:cantando (现在时)avendo cantato (...

  • 自反动词自反动词的直接形式表达了一个由主语发出、并由同一个主语承当全部动作结果的动作:Mi lavo (lavo me stesso)动词的自反形式由一个及物动词加...

  • The imperfect subjunctive (congiuntivo imperfetto) is required when the verb in the dependent clause is in a past tense or the conditional. For conjugations of three regular verbs, see the table bel...

  • One easy way to ask questions in Italian is to add a question mark to the end of the sentence in writing. (When speaking, raise the pitch of your voice at the end of the sentence.) For example:Hai...

  • What about the most delicious pasta? The ultimate gelato? The absolute superlative expresses the concepts of very, extremely, or most. In Italian, superlatives are formed by adding the suffix -i...

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